Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Burn Fat, Blast Fat, HIIT it!

My inspiration: Jennifer Nicole Lee

Yes I would LOVE to have the body of Jennifer Nicole Lee. Unfortunately I have a lot of fat to get rid of before this happens. We all have our problem areas where fat seems to be stored. For me, and most women, it's in my butt and thighs. I have been reading up a lot of how to get rid of these ugly fat deposits and I came across a great article with a way to do it. It requires cardio interval training and goes by the name of High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. I plan on integrating this into my workout 2-4 times a week. Here is the information I came across on Simply Shredded.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is training where you alternate between intervals of high-intensity and low-intensity exercise. An example would be sprinting all-out for 100 meters then walking for 100 meters then repeating. One cannot sprint at full intensity for a prolonged time because sprinting and any other form of high-intensity cardio utilizes the anaerobic energy systems, specifically the Phosphocreatine system, which power short-term activity. After going all out, one must rest and give the Phosphocreatine system time to “recharge”. Additionally after sprinting all-out a couple times you are going to start feeling fatigued. After 10 sprints you are pretty much worn out. While you might not be able to sprint at full speed anymore you can still walk and jog as the intensity is not as high as sprinting and other uses the aerobic energy systems.
Knowing this we can setup a cardio program to maximize fat burning:
  • 15 seconds all out followed by 45 seconds of low-intensity cardio
  • Repeat 10-15 times.
  • 15-30 minutes of low-intensity cardio
This cardio could be done on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, running track, etc. We usually recommend the elliptical machine as it is low impact and easy to change speeds. We also recommend doing the Stubborn Fat Cardio Protocol separate from weight training, either first thing in the morning (if training in the evening) or on off days from the gym. To start, we recommend doing the Stubborn Fat Cardio Protocol 2-4 times per week.

In addition, you can perform low-intensity cardio post-workout or on off days if Stubborn Fat Cardio is done on weight training days. This is optional, but will speed up fat loss. We recommend having at least one day a week completely off from all exercise.

Authors: Katie Lobliner & Derek Charlebois B.S. CPT

Now Go Get Burning! HIIT It!

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