Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekly Update

Hi All! I didn't get to post a results photo for this past week. We had family visiting and I didn't really see any visual changes in my body since I didn't work out as hard so I'm skipping out on a photo, sorry! Next week I will try to post some new pics (but if I'm not seeing any obvious changes there is really no point in posting, right?)

So unfortunately this past week didn't go as well for me. With family visiting it was a lot harder to stick to my regular diet and it didn't help that we ate out 4 of the 5 nights that they were here. I know excuses, excuses right? I did get in 4 days of working out though, 2 days at the gym and 2 days running with my great new baby jogger, so it wasn't a complete fail of a week. Back to my baby jogger, I am in LOVE with it. I had been running with a cheap $30 fold up stroller for about a year now and what a difference the new stroller makes. I don't have to hunch over at all to push it and the wheels make it so much easier to get up and down curbs while crossing the road (I run around UVA campus so I go through a lot of crosswalks). My favorite feature has to the the breaks it has, for downhill running. It's nice not to be dragged down the hills anymore, just a squeeze of the breaks and I can run at a speed that's comfortable for me. The baby jogger I bought is normally $300 but I got it in Craigslist for $40 (STEAL!). It even came with a plastic rain cover, like I'm even gonna go running in the rain I am so not that hard core, but I have found it useful for cool windy days.

Here is what my great new jogger looks like

(photo taken through my screen door)

For anyone looking into a baby jogger I recommend checking Craigslist first to find one of these used. The cloth coverings are completely removable making it very easy and convenient to clean, I just unbuttoned them and tossed in the washer. I'm big on bargains so this worked out perfectly for me.

Have a great week!

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