Friday, February 24, 2012

The Best Basic Exercises

If you are new to the workout scene there are some wonderful basic exercises that you can start with that anyone from a novice to a pro can do. You may feel unsure of where to start but these basic moves are all you need to get going.
1. The Squat
Most personal trainers will agree that squats are one of the best exercises you can do. They work out calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. For those who are unfamiliar with these terms that means it works your entire lower half. It is essential to do this exercise in proper form to avoid injury. Performing these should come pretty naturally, just pretend you are sitting down in a chair and voila! you have done it. Once you have mastered the form and are comfortable with the move you can add weights and perform many different variations.
2. Lunges
A rocking lower body exercise! These will work your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. One great way to tone your legs and there are endless variations to go along with it. You can stay stationary with these or make them more dynamic by doing "walking" lunges. Either way they are easy to do.
3. Planks
The basic plank is an amazing core and ab workout. It's great for beginners and once you get stronger there are many advanced variations that you can do with it. As always, focus on attaining proper form and then move onto the endless variations.
4. Push Ups
I'm sure everyone is familiar with these. For first time push uppers I'd recommend modifying the move by dropping your knees to the ground. This should still be challenging enough and help you get comfortable with the move. Why is this another wonderful basic exercise you may ask? Well because it not only works your arms but uses almost all the muscles in your body specifically targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, back and abs. Get pushing!
5. Supermans
Maybe one of the most ignored exercises but still one of the most important.Supermans will work all your back muscles (an area of the body often neglected by many, can you say hello back problems!?) along with your neck, butt, hamstrings and shoulders. If you are planning to strengthen any other area of your body make sure you don't forget your back!
So what do all these basic exercises have in common? Well all of them are pretty easy to do regardless of your fitness level, they work several muscles in the body with one easy movement, they all have endless variations that can progress you from beginner to master, and they can all be done without ANY equipment. So no more excuses for anyone not being able to workout, these can be done anytime, anywhere.

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