Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Importance of Back Strength

I was told a story recently about a woman who ended up with back trouble. Hearing about her lifestyle would make you think she wouldn't have been someone who would have to worry about a problem like this. She was a dedicated gym goer who enlisted the help of a personal trainer, and she used this trainer for years to come. So here is where the problem arose, the trainer helped this woman workout and get into great shape, working all her muscles BUT neglecting her back. Well, said woman goes to brush her teeth one day, leans over the sink and WHAM there goes a disk. Why? Well because her back was very weak compared to the rest of her body and this left it vulnerable, in turn making her very susceptible to injury. Wouldn't the same thing occur if you worked only your quads and not your hamstrings? Your body works together, muscles, tendons, etc. It's a system of levers and if you improve one area you must improve the others or you leave yourself open to injuries.
Your back is your body's support system, is vulnerable, prone to injury and of all the muscles most people often forget to work out their back. If you can't see it in the mirror don't work it out? Um no people, back training is very important. If you still aren't interested well how about the fact that training your back can enhance your "V-taper" making it look like you have smaller hips and waist?  Everyone knows that posture is important as well and guess what, back strength is instrumental in this. Wow who would have thought that your back could do so many wonderful things for your body ;)
When people speak of "core strength" don't just think they are talking about your abs. Your core includes abs, lower back, and the thoracic and cervical regions of the spine. Most back problems can be eliminated through strength training. You can strengthen your weak muscles, lengthen tight muscles and improve your stability by doing back exercises. So lesson for the day: working out your back is just as important as the rest of your body.

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