Friday, February 18, 2011

Fitness & Exercise Blog Renovation

Hi All. I have been terrible at keeping up with this blog and realized it is because I do not have enough time in my day to sit and research different fashion and makeup trends. It is just not a part of my everyday life. I have a 1 year old boy who keeps me very occupied and when I do have free time all I like to do is hit the gym and work out. This is why I have decided to transition my blog over into a subject I am a little more familiar with EXERCISE & FITNESS! With a hopeful degree in dietetics somewhere out there in my future (a.k.a when Caleb starts school) it is an area I have become extremely interested in over the past 2 years. Just recently I began a new work out regime, after taking a nice 2 month break due to cold weather and pure laziness. I started a few weeks back and should have taken some "before" photos so that I could continually document my progress but I didn't think of doing this until today, so I will start from today forward. I know a lot of people look for guidance when it comes to diet and exercise, and although I am by no means qualified to tell you what to do I might be able to inspire you to get moving toward your own personal fitness goals.

I plan to post information I come across on the following subjects: specific exercises, smart eating choices, and (of course) work out apparel. I hope that you enjoy what I have to offer.

Here is a photo I took on Thursday evening. I plan to post pictures on a weekly basis but since this is my introductory post I will at least show a somewhat "before" photo of myself. Please take into account I have been back into my workout for about 3 and a half weeks now and before my 2 month break I had been very active. Post pregnancy I ran 3 miles a day Monday through Friday to shed the pounds along with doing a variety of strength training.This I did from December 1, 2009 until October 1, 2010. Therefore it has been easier for me to get back into working out and my results will show much more quickly than if I had not worked out for a year or more.


I think it is also important to show you how I got to this point by posting prior before and after photos. I do not want anyone to look at the photo above and think that this is what you have to look like to get started on the workout plan I am currently on. It took me a lot of hard work and dedication to get to where I am at now, especially after having a baby.

Here is the only photo I can currently find from when I originally began working out. But even in this photo I had been working out for about 2 months already.

Taken around 01/15/2010

Please also take into account that my problem area always has been and continues to be the lower half of my body (butt, hips, & thighs). When I gain weight that is where everything tends to shift to. I have always had less fat on my upper body and so results show through much more quickly for me in my arms and stomach.

I will try to make sure I document my leg results weekly, as this is the area that I am extremely focused on right now.

Check back soon!

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