Saturday, April 9, 2011

Back At It

I was out of commission for almost a week due to a cold and it was terrible. I finally got back into the gym today, it felt GREAT. I love going to the gym during the weekend because there isn't very many people there so it's like you have the place to yourself, no need to wait for machines or weights. I've recently been compiling some fun facts which I plan to do on a monthly basis, right now I'm working on April fun facts. It will consist of some interesting facts I've read in articles that I found would be worth sharing.

I  am noticing some new progress in my desire to burn fat. I've been doing a ton of HIIT training which I had posted about before and it has REALLY helped! The problem areas on the back of my legs and my butt have been slowly diminishing and within the past 2 weeks I've noticed drastic results. There has been one minor set back to this process though; of course my goal has been to lose fat and unfortunately I had a good amount of that on my butt so my butt has in turn gotten smaller :( I mean it looks great shape wise, I just want it to be a little bigger. So to do this I plan on trying to make my butt muscles bigger with lots of squats, lunges, and step ups.

Anyways make sure to keep a look out for those April facts and some great new workouts I've come across.

Remember, Strong is the New Skinny! Keep Rockin your body!

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