Saturday, January 28, 2012

Moving and P90xing

 Once again time has flown by and I have been a blogging slacker, but this time I have a good reason, we have moved! We are now back in Connecticut and it is wonderful to be home. Unfortunately I was unable to do much working out during our move, but I have managed to get in some small workouts here and there. Now that we are finally getting settled I can get back into some sort of routine.

I finally tried P90X during our move, yeah I know it was released in 2004 and I just trying it now but it's never too late to try something new (or old in this case). It was pretty much the only workout videos I had saved onto a flash drive and could do from my computer without internet. I have to say it truly is a great workout schedule and has such a large variety of videos. If you are like me and hate monotonous workouts then you should try some type of workout system like this. It is very hard for me to do the same things day after day, variety is the spice of life after all so keep it interesting!

Being back in Connecticut has already presented me with so many opportunities that I didn't have before we moved. I'll be back to work and finally studying to become certified! I am so excited I just hope that I pass the test, which I take in about 20 days! I definitely have my work cut out for me but it's time to move forward to pursue what I have been passionate about for the last couple years....good things to come!

Stay Fit :)

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