Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crunch Time!!

No not abs, although I think I would rather be doing crunches! I am studying for this certification which happens in 11 days (fingers crossed). Let's see how good my studying skills are, it has been about 3 years since I have studied for any kind of test. A library trip might be in order here.

Let's talk fitness, I am learning many new things from the studying I've been doing and I figure I could share some fun facts with you. You may know some of this stuff, but maybe not. Either way check it out (and hey this counts as studying right?)

1. Your Quadriceps consist of four individual muscles. I guess that makes sense since "quad" means 4.

2. Your Butt consists of three muscles; Gluteus Maximus, Medius, and Minimus. Not sure why you would want a Minimus booty.. give me that Maximus baby!

3. You have two types of bones in your body, and no I'm not just referring to men. We all have cancellous (spongy) and compact (solid) bones.

 4. An articulation or joint is the union of two or more bones; all movement takes place at articulations. So how is that related to speech? ;)

5. Did you know you can get muscle cramps from wearing tight clothing? No ladies this does not mean you can get a great workout from wearing tight clothing....nice try!

Enough facts for today, and my amazing humor. Hope you enjoyed them. I'll leave you with a great quote I came across today "Strive for progress, not perfection."

and remember...StayFit!

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