Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Diet & Workout Regimen

Well before I begin to train others I figured I should do a practice run on myself and my significant other.  I have created an extensive new diet and workout regimen for the both of us to test out my abilities. I will learn along the way and can use the knowledge I gain to help train clients in the future. I know I need some practice and this is the perfect opportunity for me since Josh and I have slacked off quite a bit since our move back to Connecticut. Here is a sample of what I have been working on for our diet plan (Josh's version):
The TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure, if you aren't familiar with this read my previous post about your Daily Calorie Intake) above is for Josh and he is 5'11'' and 200lbs. Once I calculated in the activity factor and other variables I was brought to the number shown above and from that I have broken it down into macros (protein, carbs & fat). We just made it through our first week and going strong! I have also created a workout plan for us. Here is what our first week looked like.
DAY 1 (Chest/Tris)
5 Minute Warm up & Stretch
Incline dumbell flyes
3 sets of 12 reps
Overhead cable tricep
3 sets 12 reps
Bench dumbbell press
3 sets of 12 reps
Overhead tricep extension
3 sets of 12 reps
5-10 Minute Cool Down & Stretch
DAY 2 (Back/ Bi/ Abs)
5 Minute Warm up & Stretch
Knee Ups
3 sets for 30 seconds
Weighted sit ups
3 sets for 30 seconds
Cross Body Crunch
3 sets 30 on each side 
Air Bike
3 sets of 30
One Arm Dumbell Row
4 sets 12, 10, 10, 8
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
4 sets 12, 10, 10 , 10
Bicep Curls
4 sets 12, 10, 10, 8
5-10 Minute Cool Down & Stretch
DAY 3 (Legs)
5 Minute Warm up & Stretch
Seated Leg extensions
4 sets of 8-10 reps (1 min rest between sets)
Seated Hamstring curls 
4 sets of 8 - 10 reps (1 min rest between sets)
5-10 Minute Cool Down & Stretch
DAY 4 (Delts/Traps/Abs)
5 Minute Warm up & Stretch
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
3 Sets 12, 10, 8
Side Lateral Raise
2 Sets 12, 10,
Low Pulley Delt Raise
2 Sets 8 reps
Reverse Dumbbell Flyes
2 Sets 10, 8
Knee Ups
3 working sets to failure
3 working sets to failure
5-10 Minute Cool Down & Stretch
DAY 5 (Cardio)

45 mins - 1 hour

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