Friday, April 13, 2012

Leg Envy

I have a really bad case of leg envy lately. My legs have always been the biggest challenge for me and I am determined to build some muscle in them so they look more sculpted and defined. If I had a magic wand I would wave it over my legs and POOF! they would look like this:

Unfortunately this is not possible. So I have been putting in hard work the last few weeks. I am slowly… sloowwwlly, seeing some changes.  Through this process I have decided that I hate squats, like the real deal barbell squats, no Smith machine. It pains me to think of the next leg day when I have to do them again, and add more weight. I already feel the tears pooling in my eyes but I will squat on.

Here are some progress photos…(sorry for the poor photo quality)

Here are some of the leg exercises I have been doing:

1. Squats

2. Leg Extensions

3. Leg Curls

4. Calf Raises

5. Lunges

6. Leg Press

7. Cable Abbductors

8. Cable Adductors

9. Kick backs

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